Center of acheivement, inc presents

Serving our community

Helping Ourselves – Helping Others


“Life’s most persistent and urgent questions is – what are you doing for others?” -Martin Luther King, Jr

Teach Peace  Give Love

“Thank you for dedicating your lives to protecting us, our property and the pursuit of justice.”

-Gayle Peele Pitts, 2018

The students create “Thank You” cards for local Law Enforcement Officers to show their gratitude.

We launched this intitiative in 2018 and it continues.

Major Coleman,
We thank you for your service to the JSO team and to the Center of Achievement, Inc.

Annual Thanksgiving Baskets

Over the last 4 years, almost 1,000 dinners have been given out by the COA Distribution Team and our partners, The Knights of Columbus

Veteran’s Day Gift Giving

L. Hubbard, Navy Veteran 
We thank you for your military service, and service to the community.

ReThreaded Event

Woodlawn Presbyterian Church

Serving Breakfast

Clara White Mission

Annual Homeless Breakfast Serving

Cheerleading and Event Setup Team for Girls on the Run 5k

Brothers-In-Arms Volunteers

Hurricane Relief Supplies for Haiti

Jacksonville and Miami collection and donation

COVID Prevention Mask Distribution

One thousand masks were given out in the community, in partnership with the NAACP, May 2020